
Ojalá que esto sea el karma

 Aún vive el sol entre las piernas del cosmos

La marcha organizada de un meteoro

 se alinea a tu partida

La que huia era yo

sobrevolando las cordilleras de los cuerpos efímeros 

En los arrecifes de amores hundidos, buceo

Miro un pez a los ojos, que contiene más emoción que tu mirada al dejarme 

Al tacto, la piel amada es arena suave

Tocarte con vehemencia para someter tu erección al servicio hedonista de un recuerdo 

Retiras tus apuestas sólo porque no quise jugar contigo al azar

Eres un mal perdedor 

que se pierde en mí,

se pierde de mí,

se pierde y pierde

la noción de la cordura 

lanzando flechas indirectas que traspasan venados y ballenas y algunos roedores

No soy un animal, apenas y llego a musgo

Trepo los muros para que tu verbo no me alcance

Pero florecí en tu rostro e hice enredadera entre el verde y rojo de tus ojos 

Ojalá que esto sea el karma;

será mejor servirlo tibio antes de que la luna nos caiga encima y descubra que sí era para tanto.


Spaces (Espacios)




I am not empty:
I carry a bouquet of scents
Held by cobwebs of incense

I entangle to aerial nature
a stole of sighs
I inhale the face of space
gardenias spread
An invisible Earth has been born
I fill my body with pollen
Its mantle springs from their throat

Because I breathe I'm not empty
I have a garden within my lungs.

This is a beauty that doesn't pretend it's marble-made
It's more butterfly than it was ever caterpillar.
That in passing tears its shadow against stones
To excise this tunnel
To unpaint itself
To remove the caterpillar from this guts
The sadness trapped in its wings
A beauty that wants to crawl
but is unattainable
In the shadow of this mud
And continue flying
in worm condition
that swings between clouds
in search of the primordial cocoon.

Don't say that the sky has deteriorated
Just because it's autumn
Don't think that people are cruel and gloomy
Just for the heads hanging from the bridge
Not everything is lost
You are here more present than dead
Don't think I forgot you;
I'm just trying not to let it hurt.
Don't consumme your cravings
Consumme from me
I'm just like a green kiwi
acid enough
To melt your drowsiness
In one solid bite.

What does wine do?
that when I drink it, you're erased
That when I spill it, you seem
Dimmed and diffused.
What does wine do to you
That I haven't done to you:
To turn you into a scarlet beast
To run wild like a river of blood and lava.
I have also reddened your lips
I give you more vertigo than reason
But you don't touch me with fury
You don't grab me by the neck
until I empty myself.
What does wine do to you 

Cause it doesn't work on me

the way it works on you.
As I still want your body more
than the full and purple glass cup
What does it do to you so that 

you prefer it.
Or rum
or vodka
or opium.
What do they all do to you?
What do they do to you
That I do not



May another leaf 

In the window:
It's died in the air.
The blizzard takes the orange tree by the shoulders
He shakes it asking
What I am?
Can you feel my hands?
But the orange tree
Who has never looked at the wind, embraces it
They are eroticized, they merge
They are the loving ones
The aromas that I keep in this bouquet
In this space that I hold
With orange blossom essence.

More uncertain than my shadow in the night
Darker than an eyelid closed
More immune
All this that I am not
to my desire
to erase you
Which is still a desire
Much more obsolete
Than that of missing you.

You have to carry yourself entirely
Weave your own shadow to the hem
Move forward and not watch it grow
Just drag her around like a rag doll
Let their eyes get wet
Against the warm puddles
Let it dissolve this path
Reinventing universes with mud
Tear off the coffins that dwell in the scabs
shake off the dead man
Move forward and create
Reinvent and just walk away
After the elusive steps
Of the uncertainty
Of this space
In chance's essence blossomed.